It was first interpreted by "Trio Nortista" in Brazil. Retrieved 31 January Retrieved 14 January It was launched online in May Retrieved from " https: The station followed the trend a year later by launching "Il pulcino Pio" featuring Morgana Giovannetti during their Morning Show based on a Brazilian tune using seemingly "Pulcino Pio" literally a chicken that chirps. This page was last edited on 25 May , at pulcino pio radio globo mp4

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After the popularity of the single in France, a compilation album was released in February called Piou Piou Dance Party featuring a number of local French and international hits of the previous year.

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It was a massive hit in summer resorts where coaches would lead groups of vacationers of all ages to dance to the different movements. On 17 SeptemberRadio Globo launched an alternative version called "La Vendetta" in which the chirping chick takes revenge on the tractor that ran over fadio in the original music video. It was launched online in May At the end of the list, there are several repeats of the chick sounds.

A different background instrument is added each time a new animal is introduced, and the song enumerates the animals introduced up to that point, in reverse order. Views Read Edit View history. The Pulcino Pio character and distinctive voice was used in other releases as well in different settings. It also became a feature in many night venues and clubs. The structure of the lyrics is a reverse aggregation of animal sounds. Retrieved 31 January Check date values in: Saxobeat " in with the station hosts and staff featuring Maurizio Paniconi, Alessandro Tirocchi and Morgana Giovannetti and produced by Luca Scarpa.

In similar fashion to " Old MacDonald Had a Farm " where various animals are used, "Il pulcino Pio" uses sounds of a hen, a rooster, a turkey, a pigeon, a cat, a dog, a goat, a sheep, a cow and a bull.

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The list of animals comprises a chick, a hen, a rooster, a turkey, a pigeon, a cat, a dog, a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a bull in that order. The station followed the trend a year later by launching "Il pulcino Pio" featuring Morgana Giovannetti during their Morning Show based on a Brazilian tune using seemingly "Pulcino Pio" literally a chicken that chirps.

pulcino pio radio globo mp4

Retrieved April 14, Erisvaldo Da Silva Italian version: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The song culminates with a tractor hitting the "vocal" chirping chick, running it over. For example the follow-up single "Superstar" Video on Pu,cino features Pulcino Pio, now a big sensation, being pursued relentlessly by ardent fans and paparazzi and trying to avoid them.

Il Pulcino Pio

The song, whose rights were acquired by Globo Records S. Select "Singoli online" under "Sezione". The YouTube music video for the Spanish version of the song attracted more than 6 million pulckno in the three months that followed and has been viewed over 1. After the huge success of the Italian version of the song, a more racy faster version was produced with an gloob music video by Do It Yourself Multimedia Group S.

In any case, it is fairly certain that any claims of contemporary artists, such as Erisvaldo Da Silva, that this constitutes an original song of theirs are false and amount to plagiarism.

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It also became a hit in France, Spain, the Netherlands, and other European countries in their respective local language versions. The Rome station Radio Globo had scored a big hit by producing and airing its own version of " Mr. Select "" in the "Anno" drop-down menu. Select "Il pulcino Pio" in the "Filtra" field. Belgian Ultratip 40 Wallonia Singles Chart. There is a complex pattern of repeats of the final chick sound per verse: This page was last edited on 25 Mayat Morgana Giovannetti as Pulcino Pio.

It was first interpreted by "Trio Nortista" in Brazil.

Retrieved 14 January


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